Namak Paray (Savory Bites)


  • Flour (Weizenmehl)              1 cup
  • Salt                                           to taste
  • Oil                                            2 tbsp
  • Cumin seeds (crushed)     1/2 tsp
  • Ajwain (carom seeds)        1/4 tsp
  • Water  (lukewarm)                for kneading the dough
  • Oil                                            for frying


Sieve flour and salt...Mix carom seeds , cumin seeds and oil....Knead into a medium dough with water...Cover it and leave it for  about 20 mins...Heat the oil on medium flame...divide the dough into 2 - 3 batches... Roll it thin...Cut it into diamond shape...Deep fry it on medium flame...Cool and keep in air tight container or jar...Enjoy with a cup of tea!!!

TIP 1: Your dough should not be too much soft or hard...Otherwise it will be difficult to handle...
TIP 2: Deep fry on medium flame and constantly stiring...




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